
Our Story

In 1961, three teenagers approached the Bible club director of Milwaukee Youth for Christ about starting a Christian radio program. Over sixty years later, VCY America is broadcasting the gospel freely on radio, television, and the internet. We've partnered with quality Bible teachers to bring you a systematic study of Scripture.

Enrolled Students
Bible Teachers

“Diamonds are not found on the sidewalk. Go beyond a surface reading in your Bible to really dig into what God has for you in each passage.”

Dr. Les Ollila, Building Great Leaders

Who We Are: Building Great Leaders

Dr. Les Ollila received a B.A. from Bob Jones University, a L.L.D. honorary degree from Bob Jones University, and a D.D. honorary degree from FaithWay Baptist College of Michigan.

After pastoring in South Carolina, he served as associate pastor and director of youth ministries at Calvary Baptist Church of Roseville, Michigan, for ten years; he and his wife, Charlene, ministered with Life Action Revival Ministries for five years; he served as president of Northland Baptist Bible College from 1984-2002; he served as chancellor of Northland Baptist Bible College from 2003-2013; and he began the ministry of Building Great Leaders in 2013.

Building Great Leaders is a ministry emphasizing servant leadership to pastors, churches, colleges, and other Christian ministries both in the U.S. and overseas.

Who We Are: Christ Life Ministries

Harold Vaughan graduated from Bible college in 1979 and immediately began full-time evangelism.

Revival in individual lives and the corporate life of the church is the dominant burden of his heart.

He is an author and the founder of Christ Life Ministries (CLM).

Christ Life Ministries is a ministry committed to providing messages, materials, and ministries that will further revival both personally and corporately in the local church.

To accomplish this vision, CLM conducts Prayer Advances and local events, which include Revival Summits, Prayer Summits, Home Improvement Conferences, and Iron Man Conferences. In addition, CLM publishes books and materials via Christ Life Publications.

Who We Are: Prophecy Today

Dr. Jimmy DeYoung was a credentialed journalist who reported from Israel for twenty-three years.

Arriving there just three days prior to the Gulf Crisis, he weathered thirty-nine Scud attacks and gave reports nationwide on several networks.

After living in Israel for over twenty years, he and his wife, Judy, relocated to Chattanooga, TN, where he founded the ministry of Prophecy Today.

Prophecy Today is a ministry dedicated to educating the Christian community on the soon return of Jesus Christ and encouraging Christians to prepare for this event by sharing the gospel.

Who We Are: Reasons for Hope

Carl Kerby has been involved in ministry since 1989. He started out as a volunteer for Back to Genesis seminars with the Institute for Creation Research (ICR) when they were headquartered in El Cajon, California.

Over the years, the Lord opened the door for him to be on the original board of directors for Answers in Genesis (AiG), where he served for ten years. He then took a full-time position with AiG as the Vice President of Ministry Relations and started speaking as well.

In 2011, the Lord moved him to start the ministry of Reasons for Hope (rforh) with a board of four men (Randy Baker, Paul Gracey, Carl Kerby, and Wade Wacker).

Reasons for Hope is an apologetics ministry with a mission to equip believers to fulfill the command found in I Peter 3:15: “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.”

Reasons for Hope takes a three-pronged approach to globally communicating its message of the hope found only in Jesus Christ and its mission of equipping, empowering, and encouraging believers in their faith.

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